Clinician Spotlight: Physical Therapists
Physical therapists from all around California and Florida shared why they used the FeldCare Connects referral hub when looking for freelance PT work.  Here’s what they have to say! What do Physical Therapists Say About Using the FeldCare Connects Referral Hub? FeldCare Staff are professi...
Recognizing National Speech Therapy Month
Happy National Speech Therapy Month! May is dedicated to raising awareness of communication disorders and the ability of speech therapists to provide help and rehabilitation to people around the world. Speech Therapy’s Essential Role in Rehabilitation Speech therapists, also known as speech-langua...
What Therapists Have to Say About Using FeldCare Connects
Physical therapists, Occupational therapists, and Speech-Language Pathologists have been using FeldCare Connects as a referral hub for over ten years. Many therapists have shared their experience of connecting with home health agencies through the FeldCare network during this time. In this article, ...
Why Clinicians Utilize the FeldCare Connects Network
Clinicians use FeldCare Connects as a referral hub to connect with home health agencies and work with their patients. The clinicians that use the FeldCare Connects network include physical therapists, occupational therapists, and speech-language pathologists, and they are located in the U.S.A. These...
Who Benefits from Physical, Speech, and Occupational Therapy?
At FeldCare Connects, we help connect home health agencies with freelance physical, speech, and occupational therapists. Each type of therapy utilizes different tools and aids medical conditions in different ways. For example, a patient who has had a traumatic brain injury may need physical therapy ...
Spotlighting the Value of PT for National Physical Therapy Month
Physical Therapy Month is celebrated every October, and this year’s theme is “The Value of PT.” Because FeldCare Connects is a network of freelance clinicians, including physical therapists, we wanted to share information about physical therapy and its value in celebration of this month. What ...