Clinician Spotlight: Physical Therapists
Physical therapists from all around California and Florida shared why they used the FeldCare Connects referral hub when looking for freelance PT work.  Here’s what they have to say! What do Physical Therapists Say About Using the FeldCare Connects Referral Hub? FeldCare Staff are professi...
FeldCare Connects Now Offers Franchise Opportunities
FeldCare Connects has built a proven business model that we are now offering franchisees There is a growing demand in the nationwide home health industry for rehab specialists, and FeldCare Connects is designed to respond to these marketplace demands. Established in California, we have branched out ...
Are You a Physical Therapist Looking for More Independence?
Many entrepreneurially-minded PTs across the U.S. have jumped at the chance to access contract work with FeldCare Connects. Find out why. Traditionally, physical therapists are paid a salary to work in a hospital, clinical setting, or even at a school. If that is what you are looking for, then FeldC...
FeldCare Connects is a network that connects clinicians with partner agencies to help get their patients the best care. One question we hear at conferences and job fairs is, “What is FeldCare Connects?” We are not a standard home-health agency or clinic. We don’t employ the clinicians who...
How Clinicians Benefit from Using FeldCare Connects FeldCare Connects links home healthcare companies with rehabilitation specialists. The clinicians who use our network are speech-language pathologists (SLPs), Occupational Therapists (OTs), and Physical Therapists (PTs). These rehabilitation specia...