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You can now find coverage of FeldCare Connects in major news outlets! Recently, several news organizations covered how FeldCare Connects is helping home health agencies find reliable, independent clinicians to treat patients in need. This article provides a clear explanation of how FeldCare Connects...
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Ten things to expect when working as a contract clinician The SLPs, OTs, PTs, and RDs that work with FeldCare Connects are all contract clinicians. They are independent contractors who find work through our service and are therefore responsible for managing their work as ent...
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What is the difference between physical therapy and occupational therapy? One common question patients ask is, β€œWhat is the difference between physical therapy and occupational therapy?” If you are a PT or an OT, you have had to answer this question repeatedly. In this article, we are providing ...
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Find out more about physical therapy for National Physical Therapy Month It’s the 30th annual National Physical Therapy Month! In recognition of this important month, we are sharing a brief article about physical therapy and its benefits. What is Physical Therapy? Physical therapy is care that is ...
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Do you offer these therapies? Clinicians who work with FeldCare Connects often specialize and offer various therapies based on those specialties. For example, one physical therapist may decide to specialize in orthopedics, while another may choose to specialize in treatments for cardiac patients. Th...
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Five techniques for getting creative in a home-based therapy environment One of the most exciting things about home-based therapy is the creativity it engenders in a therapist. In home-based treatment, you don’t have all the resources you would have in a clinical space. However, a creative therapi...
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Are you a speech-language therapist looking for more independence? If you are a speech-language therapist, you most likely work with children. According to ASHA, over 50% of SLTs and SLPs work in an educational setting, either in early intervention, preschools, or K-12 schools. Just about 20% of SLT...