How to Stay Safe when Providing Home Health Services During or After a Natural Disaster

How to Stay Safe when Providing In-Home Care During or After a Natural Disaster

During the past 12 months, we have seen several natural disasters in states where the FeldCare network is available. Therapists using the therapy network have encountered wildfire conditions, hurricanes, and more. All while delivering fantastic care to home health patients.

With this in mind, we wanted to provide a safety guide for PTs, OTs, SLPs, and RDs nationwide who offer home healthcare, whether they use the therapy network or not.

This article is a companion to the article we published in 2022 called: Safety First! How to Develop Safety Policies when Providing Home Health Services. We recommend that you read both articles when developing a safety plan.

How to Stay Safe when Providing Home Health Services During or After a Natural Disaster

There is no perfect safety plan for any natural disaster – and this advice is not meant for those who are evacuating in the face of a disaster. This is for those therapists who want to continue to provide complete or limited services to patients during or after a natural disaster.

1. Follow all evacuation guidelines

You have to put on your own oxygen mask first, so be sure to follow all evacuation guidelines and make sure to stay safe.

2. Download recommended national and local alert applications

Get up-to-the-minute evacuation and disaster zone information from local and national alert apps.

3. Avoid traveling to affected areas

In many instances, patients will be evacuated from affected areas, or those areas will be inaccessible. If you are using the Feldcare referral network, be sure to try to contact patients using the information provided by the cliniCONNECTS app and share any scheduling changes with the home health agency. If you have difficulty connecting with patients or the HHA, let the FeldCare team know.

4. Create an emergency kit

You already have your medical bag that you keep with you during appointments. Add an emergency kit. This should include:

  • First aid kit
  • Sanitation supplies
  • Bottled water and electrolytes
  • Snacks
  • N95 masks
  • A physical map like a Thomas Guide
  • A printout of emergency numbers
  • Flashlight and spare batteries
  • Emergency blanket
  • Emergency flares
  • Phone charger

Add the following if the disaster is ongoing:

  • Medication/spare glasses or contacts
  • Important papers/IDs

You know what emergencies are most likely to occur in your area, so be sure to modify the emergency kit for the most likely natural disaster. 

5. Communicate

Tell people where you are going so that you can get help rapidly if you need it. 

If you are using the FeldCare referral network, stay in touch with our team if you are having difficulty seeing patients, have to see patients in a more limited fashion, or are having difficulty contacting patients or home health agencies. We are here to help.

6. Wear identification

Be sure your identification is on you at all times, as you may encounter roadblocks or law enforcement. Let them know you are there to help a patient.

If your safety is threatened or you are under an evacuation order during a disaster, please be sure to protect yourself before you treat others. You must ensure your own safety first and foremost.

Natural disasters happen. The best you can do is be prepared and stay in communication. 

Are you a PT, OT, SLP, or RD with questions about the FeldCare Network? Get in touch with our recruitment team at

Are you a therapist who needs to connect with the team during a disaster? Contact your patient’s care coordinator, your QA, or call the general phone number at (818) 926-9057 to be directed to someone who can help. We are here for you.