What is a referral portal? Here at FeldCare Connects, we have built a referral portal used by a network of home healthcare providers, OTs, SLPs, PTs, and RDs. This network benefits providers, clinicians, and patients. It’s a simple concept with a powerful design. Here’s how it works: There are m...
Safety First! How to Develop Safety Policies When Providing Home Health Services Clinicians providing home health services have different considerations regarding safety policies than those who are providing care in a clinical setting. Clinicians using the Feldcare Connect referral portal most often...
How does AB5 affect your freelance therapy career? California’s AB5 is a law that affects freelancers of every kind. FeldCare Connects is what the law calls a “business-to-business referral agency,” and every therapist utilizing our referral services falls under the banner of a freelancer. If ...
As a Professional, Would You Benefit from Signing Up With FeldCare Connects? Clinical settings don’t allow SLPs, PTs, OTs, and RDs to utilize entrepreneurial skills or work ad hoc. That may be fine if you are looking for a full-time, salaried position. However, if you prefer to build independence ...
Will you succeed as a therapist providing in-home healthcare? Providing in-home healthcare as a speech therapist, occupational therapist, or physical therapist is an exciting challenge many therapists do not get the opportunity to tackle. At FeldCare Connects, we connect therapis...
The Guide To Efficient Patient Referrals There are many ways to send patient referrals to FeldCare Connects, but the fastest and most convenient is to send them directly through our freshly designed referral portal. Now, with just a few clicks, you can send all necessary patient information through ...
Personal Protective Equipment Facemasks should be used by people who show symptoms of COVID-19 to help prevent the spread of the disease to others. The use of facemasks is also crucial for health workers and people who are caring for someone in close environments. Clinicians do not need to wear mask...
The Pandemic Impact to Clinics The Coronavirus has forced many clinics to close, out of fear that they may be putting their patients at risk of infection. It seems that clinic owners have to choose to sacrifice their patients’ health in order to protect their patients’ health. As things shift ov...
Are you ready for PDGM? Medicare’s 2020 Patient Driven Grouping Model (PDGM) changes how patients are cared for and how agencies are reimbursed for that care. It’s driven by a need to focus on patient care and eliminate gaps in care. In essence, the goal is to incentivize agencies to use Medicar...