Why Clinicians Utilize the FeldCare Connects Network

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Clinicians use FeldCare Connects as a referral hub to connect with home health agencies and work with their patients. The clinicians that use the FeldCare Connects network include physical therapists, occupational therapists, and speech-language pathologists, and they are located in the U.S.A. These rehab specialists are often looking for additional streams of income as they explore entrepreneurship or focus on a specialty.

The OTs, PTs, and SLPs who use our referral hub have a wide variety of specialities, including: 

  • ALS
  • Aphasia (cognitive)
  • Aquatic therapist
  • Assistive Technologies (ATP)
  • Autism
  • Cardiac
  • CDT
  • Diabetes (CDE)
  • Dysphagia-qualified
  • Environmental Modification
  • Geriatrics
  • Hand Therapy
  • LSVT BIG (Parkinson’s)
  • Lymphedema
  • Neuro
  • Ortho
  • OCS (Board-Certified Orthopaedic Clinical Specialist)
  • PAM-certified
  • Pediatrics
  • Vestibular

These highly-trained and qualified clinicians use FeldCare Connects to: 

  • Work with various patient populations including geriatrics and pediatrics.
  • Create additional streams of income or a side hustle.
  • Rapidly pay off student debt.
  • Build their caseload through app-based software.
  • Provide care within an area of specialty.
  • Gain exposure to various diagnoses.
  • Build their creativity as they use the patient’s natural environment.
  • Work on executive and entrepreneurial skills.
  • Determine if freelancing is a good fit for them.
  • Set their own schedule and service area.
  • Build a caseload with no minimum requirement.
  • Let FeldCare take care of the billing side.
  • Receive payment based on the service provided.
  • Get paid on time.
  • Utilize and master one EMR system, even as they work with various home health agencies.
  • Help as many patients as they have the capacity for.

With so many advantages available to clinicians who want to explore freelancing, it’s no wonder that thousands of PTs, OTs, and SLPs utilize FeldCare to build their own caseloads. Click here to find out more about FeldCare Connects and discover how you can sign up to access the referral network.