What is a referral portal?

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What is a referral portal?

Here at FeldCare Connects, we have built a referral portal used by a network of home healthcare providers, OTs, SLPs, PTs, and RDs. This network benefits providers, clinicians, and patients.

It’s a simple concept with a powerful design.

Here’s how it works:

  • Home health agencies have a higher patient load than their current staff can manage. So, they get in touch with FeldCare Connects.
  • Entrepreneurial OTs, SLPs, PTs, and RDs determine that they would like freelance or by-contract work. So, they get in touch with FeldCare Connects.
  • Each party provides the information necessary to connect patients with clinicians on our HIPPA-compliant portal.
  • A clinician chooses the patient(s) that best fit their schedule and live in the areas where they’d most like to work.
  • Both parties use our HIPPA-compliant software to provide the documentation needed to ensure billing is completed and the patient care plan is followed.
  • Staff at FeldCare Connects facilitate both parties, ensuring appropriate paperwork is provided and submitted, working through scheduling concerns, and more.
  • The patient recovers, and both the home health agency and clinician get paid for a job well done!

There are many referral portals used in a variety of industries. In the FeldCare Connects model, we work hard to ensure that providers and clinicians get their needs met to meet the needs of the patients with whom they are working.

How Does the FeldCare Connects Referral Portal Benefit Healthcare Providers?

Home healthcare providers work with patients with a wide variety of needs. Patients recovering from a stroke need different care from patients with multiple sclerosis. It can be challenging to keep on a robust staff who can help every sort of patient. That’s where we come in.

FeldCare Connects refers home healthcare providers to local SLPs, RDs, OTs, and PTs who can provide on-demand therapy services. As referral partners, we connect healthcare providers with a wide selection of highly qualified clinicians who will make excellent additions to your team.

Our goal is to be a one-stop solution, so we provide:

  • A location to connect with contract workers seeking to ease your caseload.
  • Assistance with documentation to ensure it is submitted to the chart on time.
  • A HIPPA-compliant EMR system for documenting patient information.

Everything we do is done to make the lives of our referral partners easier.

How Does the FeldCare Connects Referral Portal Benefit Clinicians?

We wouldn’t be a referral portal without a robust group of freelance SLPs, OTs, RDs, and PTs who trust us to connect them with excellent home healthcare providers. Here are some of the benefits our clinicians enjoy when they join the FeldCare referral portal:

  1. Work that can be done on the clinician’s schedule.
  2. Choice about what kind of work they can do. Some therapists choose to do supplementals. Others want assistant work. Still others prefer to take on a full caseload. It’s entirely up to the therapist.
  3. Administrative support from FeldCare staff to help with reporting, communicating, scheduling, and coordinating patient care.
  4. A one-stop system for finding contract work as well as updating and accessing patient documentation.

Flexibility, choice, and support are key pillars of the FeldCare Connects referral network. 

Find out more about our network. Click here to discover what it is like to utilize the FeldCare Connects network.