PPE and Safety Guidelines

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Personal Protective Equipment

Facemasks should be used by people who show symptoms of COVID-19 to help prevent the spread of the disease to others. The use of facemasks is also crucial for health workers and people who are caring for someone in close environments.

Clinicians do not need to wear masks while treating patients who do not have signs of any kind of respiratory illness – be it pneumonia, seasonal flu, or COVID-19. Clinicians should only wear masks for symptomatic patients, caregivers, and/or family members.

FeldCare Connects’ Polices

If you do not feel well: 

If you are not feeling well, please stay home- do not see your patients. If you need cases re-staffed, please let the office know and we will handle it.

Pre Visit Screening: 

Effective immediately, all clinicians must conduct a screening call prior to each visit. During the screening call, you must ask the following questions:

  1.  Travel: In the past 14 days has the patient or anyone in the home/facility returned from travel outside the United States?
  2.  Exposure: In the past 14 days, has the patient or anyone in the home/facility had close contact with anyone diagnosed with or suspected to have COVID-19?
  3.  Symptoms: Does the patient or anyone in the home/facility have fever, cough, or shortness of breath?
  4.  Type of Residence: Prior to visiting your patients, you need to determine if they are in a private home/apartment, Assisted Living Facility (ALF), Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF), or group home. Confirm with the facility if you are allowed to come in.

Course of Action:

If the patient answers “yes” to questions 1, 2, or 3, call the agency immediately to report it. If you feel that the patient may have Coronavirus, do not visit the patient.

FeldCare will also be conducting pre-admission screening. New patients with known exposure or confirmed case of COVID-19 will not be admitted. However, you must still perform the pre-visit screening before each visit because patients that are already admitted up until now will not be screened by FeldCare.